K. Morrissey

Space to work,

room to breathe.



Kara Morrissey intends to aid you in gaining insight, refining focus, and developing mental agility in order to mindfully and efficiently navigate the ever-changing landscape of your life. Morrissey does this through individual, group, and workshop sessions that are an active practice of therapeutic processes facilitated with the client in mind. This therapeutic work is designed for adults, particularly those who have not benefited from conventional mental health services in the past.

Kara Morrissey’s therapeutic space is an inclusive safe space that encourages self-expression and believes every individual is worthy and invaluable— not in spite of different backgrounds and identities, but because of them.


Individual sessions are just for you and are curated to meet your specific needs in person or virtually.


Group sessions are small gatherings of ten or less people who have a similar intention for therapy and benefit from not only the direction of the Therapist, but the wisdom shared between one another. Group members are pre-screened to ensure they are appropriate for the group’s common goal. Groups typically meet weekly or biweekly. Examples of group topics may be Grief & Loss, Substance Use & Recovery, or Social Skills.

hybrid Intensives.

Coming soon


We are dedicated to partnering with others in Metro Atlanta to advocate for marginalized people groups through education, active aid, and inclusive community events.


Not your typical therapy session.


404-445-8863 | connect@kmorrissey.info

Ready to connect?

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